Sunday, September 4, 2011


Tuhan dengarkan aku
Ku memohon kepadaMu
Kuangkat tanganku
Kulafaskan lidahku
Menyebut namaMu Tuhan

Tuhan lihatlah aku
Kuberserah kepadaMu
Kuletakkan keningku bersujud padaMu
Ampuni dosa-dosaku

Tuhanku jangan ambil nyawaku
Sebelum ku dekat denganMu
Tuhanku siapkan duniaku
Tuk nanti tiba akhiratku

Berapa nikmat yang telah Kau beri
Berapa yang telah aku ingkari
Masih pantaskah sujudku padaMu
Aku malu aku malu.....

"The most important thing to remember is that Allah plans all events to protect His true servants and to enable them to earn Paradise.

My Protector is Allah Who sent down the Book. He takes care of the true believers. (Surat al-A'raf: 196)

Those who never forget that there is a divine purpose in whatever happens to them feel the nearness of Allah's company in every step they take. Wherever they are, or whatever they are doing, they never forget that Allah knows it all very well.

Therefore, never forget that everything, past and future, in all its detail, is recorded in Allah's sight, that nothing happens to man except for what Allah wills, that Allah is knowledgeable about our actions wherever we are or whatever we are doing, and that we are all bound within the destiny ordained for us."

Ya Allah..
semoga aku dn hamba-hambaMu di sampingku,
termasuk dlm golongan org-org yg sabar.
Amin Ya Rabbal 'Alamin..

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